Stephen Rosenfield is a pioneer in establishing comedy writing and performing as a course of study in colleges and universities. He created the One Year Program in Comedy Performing and Writing at American Comedy Institute. The program was accredited by The National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST). It was the first comedy program to earn NAST’S accreditation. He was the founding artistic director of Canada’s Humber College full-time comedy program. He served on the board of directors of NAST and currently serves on the board of directors of Comedy Studies. He continues to introduce students to comedy as a field of study and a potential career.
Who is this for?
Teachers wishing to incorporate Stand-up or Sketch Comedy into an existing course.
Teachers wishing to sponsor extracurricular programs in Stand-up or Sketch Comedy.
What are the college and university offerings?
Stand-up comedy workshop
Sketch comedy workshop
Lectures on the history of comedy and American comedy.
Lectures on comedy as a career
When is it?
The dates and lengths of these workshops are scheduled in collaboration with the teacher.
Where is it?
Workshops can take place
On your campus
In New York City
How much does it cost?
Contact us for pricing.